Chuck Swindoll’s Sermon Series/Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality (Ecclesiastes) - A Classic Series - CD version with Bible Companion

Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality (Ecclesiastes) - A Classic Series - CD version with Bible Companion

Charles R. Swindoll

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The Book of Ecclesiastes

In the never-ending quest for fulfillment, we sometimes convince ourselves that life would be better if we just had a different career . . . more education . . . a new spouse . . . a fresh start in another location. The good life is always just out of reach.

Do you want to know the secret to living the good life—a life of meaning and satisfaction? Solomon discovered that wearing a king’s crown didn’t keep him from the ragged edge of life. He had it all, but apart from God . . . he had nothing. In the Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality Classic Series, Chuck Swindoll explores the personal journal of King Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes. If you struggle to find contentment and joy in life, then join Chuck as he shares wisdom for living at its best.

CD series of 24 messages plus bonus audio message and 288-page Bible Companion (Bonus material includes a conversation between Chuck Swindoll and Johnny Koons, where they explore pitfalls that come with success and ways we can focus our priorities on the Lord.)

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Related Series Resources

See the complete list of resources for this series:
Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality.

Messages in this series:

  1. Journal of a Desperate Journey
  2. Chasing the Wind
  3. Eat, Drink, . . . and Be What?
  4. More Miles of Bad Road
  5. Do You Know What Time It Is?
  6. Interlude of Rare Insight
  7. Confessions of a Cynic
  8. The Lonely Whine of the Top Dog
  9. One Plus One Equals Survival
  10. What Every Worshiper Should Remember
  11. Straight Talk to the Money-Mad
  12. The Few Years of a Futile Life
  13. Wise Words for Busy People
  14. Putting Wisdom to Work
  15. The Qualities of a Good Boss
  16. Mysteries That Defy Explanation
  17. Have a Blast While You Last!
  18. An Objective View of the Rat Race
  19. Be Sensible!
  20. A Fool’s Portrait
  21. Be Bullish!
  22. Enjoying Life Now, Not Later
  23. Gray Hairs, Fewer Teeth, Yet a Big Smile
  24. Wrapping Up a Ragged-Edge Journey

Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality (Ecclesiastes)