Special Single Messages/Insight for Living’s DNA - CD

Insight for Living’s DNA - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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Amos 8:11–12; 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Learn What God Uses to Change Lives—Including Yours!

There is a famine in our land. Not a shortage of physical food but of soul-sustenance—of God’s Word. We go about our daily lives in spiritual starvation mode. We desperately fill our hungry hearts with relationships, wealth, careers, and food, only to leave the table hungry.

In Chuck Swindoll’s message, “Insight for Living’s DNA,” he explains the purpose of Insight for Living Ministries—to teach the Bible and satisfy people’s spiritual hunger with God’s Word.

“We teach the Bible,” Chuck Swindoll says. “That’s the heart of our mission.” Order “Insight for Living’s DNA” and catch the vision behind the ministry God has used to change millions of lives.

Individual message on CD

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Insight for Living’s DNA