How Great is Our God!/Getting Reacquainted with the Spirit of Power - MP3

Getting Reacquainted with the Spirit of Power - MP3

Charles R. Swindoll

“Boo! I'm the Holy Ghost.” That's what some people think whenever the subject of the Holy Spirit arises. But who is He, really, and what exactly does He do? Is He an actual ghost, a mysterious fog-like substance that floats in the ceilings of cathedrals or hovers over cemetery plots like an ethereal phantom? Hardly! Of the three persons in the godhead, including God the Father and God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is the least understood and the most mystifying. Let's dispel some of the myths and mystery by getting reacquainted with the Spirit of Power.

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How Great Is Our God!

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Getting Reacquainted with the Spirit of Power