Charles R. Swindoll
Matthew 1:18-25
Everybody loves a story. A well-told story holds our interest from start to
finish—especially if it includes drama and intrigue, the kind of plot that leaves
us . . . hanging. A story is a picture painted in words. If the words don’t leave brush strokes in the mind, then we haven’t told a story or communicated a message. Mere words are no more a message than a menu a meal or a road map a journey. Spoken words must transform into mental images; that requires imagination. When we see ourselves in the story—as one of the characters, hearing the sounds, seeing the sights, smelling the aromas, and feeling the emotions—then the story “comes to life.” Let’s do that with one of the most overlooked persons in the Christmas account: Joseph.
Individual message on CD or MP3
Copyright © 2009, ℗ 2010 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide.
Musical performances copyright ? 2009 by Stonebriar Community Church. All rights are reserved worldwide.
This Insight for Living production is for your personal use only. Civil and criminal copyright infringement occurs when this production is uploaded to the Internet, publicly performed, copied, or placed on any information storage and retrieval system now known or yet to be invented, without prior written permission from Insight for Living.
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