Abraham: The Father Who Released His Son - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

Genesis 22:1–14

Answer this question—honestly, now: Are you more in love with the gifts of God—possessions, a job, dreams, or relationships—than the God who gives good gifts? Don’t answer too quickly . . . think about it. Your answer to that question will reveal how tightly or loosely you hold on to things. Learning to relax your fingers is easier said than done. With a viselike grip, most of us hold on to those things or people we love the most. It is only through the painful experience of intense testing that we learn to release possessions and others and trust God with everything. It would be wise, however, to learn how to live with an open palm by following Abraham’s and Isaac’s example, the example of God the Father and of Jesus the Son.

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Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives, Old Testament Characters

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Abraham: The Father Who Released His Son