Things to Stop and Start/Things to Stop and Start - CDSERIES

Things to Stop and Start - CDSERIES

Charles R. Swindoll

Many of us spend our days saying, “I don’t have enough time!” Meanwhile, our cluttered closet stays cluttered, the thought of our estranged family member still stirs up resentment in our heart, and our time with God remains on the back burner.

Is it really true that we don't have enough time? Or do we just need help prioritizing what truly matters?

Join Chuck Swindoll for this vital message series and learn:

  • Why to say no to procrastination, blaming, drifting, and other negative traits
  • How to say yes to following through, forgiving, digging into our faith, and more

Let's start making the most of the time God has given us.

CD Series of 9 messages

Messages in this series:

  1. Stop Drifting Along and Start Digging In
  2. Stop Procrastinating and Start Following Through
  3. Stop Shaming and Start Honoring
  4. Stop Blaming and Start Forgiving
  5. Stop Worrying and Start Trusting
  6. Stop Resisting and Start Submitting
  7. Stop Acting Perfect and Start Being Vulnerable
  8. Stop Lying and Start Acknowledging
  9. Stop Criticizing Earth and Start Contemplating Heaven
Series Resources

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Things to Stop and Start