Other Authors/Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage –by Dave Carder

Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage –by Dave Carder

Dave Carder

On the day you said “I do” to forsaking all others, you meant it. You would never—you could never—forsake your beloved for another person. “It would never happen to me,” you've said. “I love my spouse.”

But time and stress have a way of steering us to the cliff of an adulterous affair. Though we don't often admit it, we've all had close calls. How do you put up guardrails to protect yourself? This question is answered practically in Dave Carder's book Close Calls. He writes, “This book will not only help you be more alert to close calls—it will strengthen your marriage.”

207-page softcover book

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