Leadership/A Plea for Integrity - CD

A Plea for Integrity - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

Daniel 6:1–23

Ours is a day of bending the rules and rationalizing the wrong. A growing number of Christians are buying into the mentality that says, “Grace covers whatever . . . go ahead, God understands and forgives.” The results are somewhere between embarrassing and scandalous. Issues such as marital commitment, sexual purity, intellectual honesty, and financial accountability are up for discussion rather than character traits to embrace. Even the ranks of ministry have been tainted. The need? A return to integrity . . . not sinless perfection but absolute honesty and an absence of duplicity. Impossible? Let’s let Daniel’s life answer that for us.

Individual message on CD or MP3 (1:00:00)

Related Series Resources

See the complete list of resources for this series:
Character Counts: Building a Life That Pleases God

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A Plea for Integrity