DVD/Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Putting Others First - DVD

Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Putting Others First - DVD

Paws & Tales

Animated adventures little children love with God-centered lessons parents applaud!

With Paws & Tales, kids can enjoy meaningful adventure stories and fun animation while they learn biblically based concepts like being thankful, overcoming fear, putting others first, and obeying God's rules.

Episode #1: “A Race Against Time”
C.J. and Staci have to finish a list of errands for Paw Paw Chuck, but they find themselves falling behind. Just as they are in sight of the deadline, they find an injured skunk. Will they risk disappointing Paw Paw Chuck to help someone in need? (Matthew 22:39)

Episode #2: “The Hire Principle”
When it seems as if Tiffany can fire anyone who works for her father, she forces all the kids of Mr. Rockler's employees to be her personal servants . . . or else. C.J. decides that Tiffany must be stopped, but can he carry out his plan when he finds out who her next victim might be? (Philippians 2:3)

Approximately 50 minutes, NTSC format


BONUS FEATURES: music videos, activities, and helpful teaching resources for parents, grandparents, and church educators, includes audio in Spanish

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