DVD/Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Pleasing & Obeying God - DVD

Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Pleasing & Obeying God - DVD

Paws & Tales

Animated adventures little children love with God-centered lessons parents applaud!

With Paws & Tales, kids can enjoy meaningful adventure stories and fun animation while they learn biblically based concepts like being thankful, overcoming fear, putting others first, and obeying God's rules.

Episode #1: “Correction Course”
When The Club misbehaves in the Collins Mansion, Paw Paw Chuck has to give them a good scolding, But, when his warning is ignored, the kids learn the dangerous consequences of their actions.

Episode #2: “Whose Name Is Jealous?”
Gooz finds a "lucky" penny, and the Calvary baseball team is on a roll. Now The Club must decide if the team's dependence on the penny is just some harmless fun or if it takes their focus off playing to please God.

Approximately 50 minutes, NTSC format


BONUS FEATURES: music videos, activities, and helpful teaching resources for parents, grandparents, and church educators; includes audio in Spanish

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