DVD/Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Playing by the Rules - DVD

Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: Playing by the Rules - DVD

Paws & Tales

Animated adventures little children love with God-centered lessons parents applaud!

With Paws & Tales, kids can enjoy meaningful adventure stories and fun animation while they learn biblically based concepts like being thankful, overcoming fear, putting others first, and obeying God's rules.

Episode #1: “Tiffany Cometh”
Everyone is excited about Wildwood's newest and richest student—everyone, that is, except Miss Harbor, who quickly realizes that Tiffany doesn't want to play by anyone's rules but her own.

Episode #2: “The Tribe”
C.J. tries to bring peace between The Club and Hugh. Being a peacemaker is certainly what God would want, right? But C.J.'s idea to bring the "two tribes" together explodes when his methods betray his good intentions.

Approximately 50 minutes, NTSC format


BONUS FEATURES: music videos, activities, and helpful teaching resources for parents, grandparents, and church educators; includes audio in Spanish

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