DVD/Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: God Cares for You - DVD

Paws & Tales: Biblical Wisdom for Kids: God Cares for You - DVD

Paws & Tales

Animated adventures little children love with God-centered lessons parents applaud!

With Paws & Tales, kids can enjoy meaningful adventure stories and fun animation while they learn biblically based concepts like being thankful, overcoming fear, putting others first, and obeying God's rules.

Episode #1: “The Good Shepherd”
C.J. and Ned are shepherds for a day! Really, how tough can it be? But when wolves plan an attack, C.J. and Ned learn firsthand that it's not as easy as it seems. Discover how Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, cares for His sheep.

Episode #2: “A Good Foundation”
C.J. and Staci set out to build a clubhouse, but they build it in an old, rotten tree. Discover why having a good foundation is essential to building a godly life.

Approximately 50 minutes, NTSC format


BONUS FEATURES: music videos, activity sheets, games, and helpful teaching resources for parents, grandparents, and church educators

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