Special Single Messages/Survival Strategy for Our Times - CD

Survival Strategy for Our Times - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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1 Corinthians 16:13

Have you ever had the sense that something is not quite right in your life—like something is out of joint? It’s more than your job, your spouse, or your kids; it’s something more fundamental, something spiritual. It’s a dislocation between the reality of your life and your deepest longings as a Christian. Do you sense it?

For those who do, Chuck Swindoll offers a Survival Strategy for Our Times. With his usual biblical insight and practical application, Chuck presents eight essential “musts” for every follower of Christ. Passionate but with typical good humor, Chuck urges us to practice these eight essentials—not just to survive our times but to realign our lives with our Christian longings.

Individual message on CD

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Survival Strategy for Our Times